Sunday, August 15, 2010

DAY #6........IDAHO SPRINGS, CO. TO HUTCHINSON, KS......593 MILES (2670)

My son Kip and I returned to Hutchinson today after leaving Idaho Springs around 7:00 A.M. (MDT). We had a great ride to and from Colorado, and also while in Colorado. The ThumperCafe was a fun event and great location. It was also great to see everyone again. Looking forward to the next time. See you in Gate, Oklahoma on October 16th.
Motor Mike

Saturday, August 14, 2010

DAY #5.......IDAHO SPRINGS, CO. TO WONDERVU, CO. BACK TO IDAHO SPRINGS, CO.....77 MILES (2077) was the big day. We awoke this morning to sunny skies and 41* air. The first thing I did when I got up was look out the window. The past two ThumperCafe's it was raining, but today was beautiful. I then realized that "Carol the Rainmaker" wasn't here this time. (Just kidding Carol)
The ride to WonderVu was great this morning, and I actually had to break out the heated coat for the first time on this trip.
The event was a huge success, with 55 members attending. It was a great location, thanks to Kerry, and everything went very smoothly.

Tomorrow morning my son Kip and I leave for home and back to reality. It's been fun, and for those unable to attend, you missed a great time and some awesome riding.
I'll post tomorrow night to let everyone know we made it home safely. See you all next time.
Motor Mike

Friday, August 13, 2010


I actually slept in this morning until 7:00 a.m. It was a beautiful morning with not a cloud in he sky. I left Fort Collins about 7:45 and headed for Rocky Mountain National Park, riding up through the Big Thompson Canyon. This is one of he most beautiful rides I've ever ridden, and I've done it numerous times. God's beautiful creation never ceases to amaze me.
Riding over Trail Ridge Road, it was 38* at the top with the wind howling. I stopped to take several pictures, but didn't tarry very long up there.

Leaving the park I rode to WonderVu, CO. for lunch. This is the site for the Thumper Cafe on Saturday. Should be around 52 people for lunch tomorrow, and it's a really neat location.
Tonight was the BBQ at Kerry's house. What a feed it was!!!! I'm not sure I've ever eaten a hamburger that had that much meat on it. I think there were 24 there for supper tonight and we all had a great time.

Tomorrow will be the first "Cafe" that I've attended and not left for home shortly after it's over. I'm going to hang around Colorado one more day and leave for home on Sunday morning. You will notice above that as of today I've ridden 2000 miles since I left home on Tuesday morning, and it's only 500 miles from home to where I'm at tonight. But..... those extra 1500 miles have been great.
Watch for tomorrow nights update, after the big event is over.
Motor Mike

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Once again I got up early,and loaded the bike for an early departure. I knew I was going to have a long day, but it ended up being longer than anticipated. I rode North of Walsenburg on I-25 and turned West on Hwy 165, the same road as I was on yesterday to see Bishops Castle. I'll talk more about the castle later in todays update. Riding North towards Canon City, I took Hwy 115 to Colorado Springs. From there I rode Hwy 24 West and took a short trip South to see Cripple Creek and Victor, CO.
Continuing on Hwy 24 West I turned North on Hwy 9 at Hartsel. As I rode through this small town, who do you suppose I saw sitting along the side of the road looking at a son, Kip. He had left 2 hours after me and we just happened upon each other in the middle of Colorado. We rode North together until he joined I-70, and headed East. I continued on Northeast to Kremmling, then rode over Gore Pass on Hwy 134. Continuing on around the loop, I rode to Steamboat Springs and then over Rabbit Ears Pass.
Picking up Hwy 14, East of Steamboat, I rode over Cameron Pass, then on into Fort Collins for the night. It was 40* on top of Cameron Pass and was quite chilly. All in all it was a great day, and I saw some absolutely beautiful views. And to top it all off......when I rode into Fort Collins this evening there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
Now back to Bishops Castle. If you've never been to this Castle, it's a must see if you're in the area. One man, Jim Bishop, has built this structure completely by himself. He started back in the 60's, and it is still a work in process. I'll include several more pictures of the inside. The one picture looking down at our bikes sitting along the road will give you an idea how large and tall this structure is, and we weren't even all the way to the top. (We chickened out)
It's an amazing piece of work, and Jim Bishop is a piece of work himself. He's a very interesting person to say the least.

Tormorrow I'm going to ride through Rocky Mountain National Park, and up over Trail Ridge Pass, meeting Jack for lunch somewhere, around noon.
Friday afternoon and evening is the get together at Kerry's. We're all looking forward to this.
Tune in Friday night for the next update.
Motor Mike

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I once again had an early morning, leaving Tucumcari around 6:00 a.m. Heading West, I tried to ride as much of the old Route 66 as I could, but ended up on several 10 mile dead ends. I finally got tired of backtracking and jumped on I-40, riding to Moriarty, NM., before heading North towards Red River, NM
I rode the loop around the Red River area, starting in Taos. I passed over Bobcat Pass

and then headed towards Colorado, going through San Luis, the oldest city in Colorado.

Crossing over La Veta Pass, I arrived in Walsenburg mid afternoon. I then decided to head on North to Rye, Colorado, and see Bishops Castle, returning to Walsenburg for the night. When I got to Bishops Castle my son Kip was there, having left Thumperville early this morning.

Jack, Kip and I are all together tonight and will each go our separate ways in the morning.
Several members from Oregon showed up here in town tonight, staying in the motel right next to ours.
What are the chances of that happening?
I will be headed North on Thursday morning, hopefully reaching somewhere close to Ft. Collins for the night.
Stay tuned for Thursday nights report.
Motor Mike

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


THUMP..........THUMP..........THUMP............YEP, that's the sound of one Thumper quietly leaving Thumperville this morning, at the first light of day.

It was a beautiful morning, somewhere in the mid 70's, as I headed Southwest. My first stop was a windmill park in Shattuck, Oklahoma. It was quite interesting to see all these windmills turning in the light breeze.

Then it was on Southwest where I joined the old Route 66 in Texas. I rode as much of the old road as I could, but had to join the "I" road periodically when"66" disappeared.
I arrived early afternoon in Groom, Texas, home of the leaning water tower and the largest cross in the Western Hemisphere.

After taking these sights in, I continued West towards Conway, Texas. I visited the bug farm, which really wasn't that impressive, but I can at least say that I've seen it.
Just west of Conway is the Cadillac Ranch. I always knew these cars were good for something. :o)

After stopping to see these planted Cadillacs, I headed West on I-40. The skies kept getting darker and darker, but I had no exits to get off of the "I" road. When the lightning started, I decided to take cover under a bridge, just as it started a toad strangling rain shower. I'm guessing the wind was blowing at least 50 MPH, and then it started to hail. The rain was blowing under the bridge, but at least I could pretty much stay out of the hail. The temperature dropped from 98* to 60* in a time period of less than 3 minutes. I went from being hot, to cold and wet, even with my gear on. I sat under the bridge for about 30-45 minutes, until it slowed up some. Leaving the protection of the bridge, I headed on West. I don't think I made it 10 miles and it started pouring again. I just continued to ride, slowing my speed considerably. About 20 miles of this and I had dry pavement the rest of the way into Tucumcari, my stop for the night. I also stopped in Adrian, the geographic middle of the entire Route 66, East to West.

I'm staying at an original old Route 66 motel here in town, called "The Blue Swallow". This is the first motel I've ever stayed in where I had a garage to park the bike in.

Tomorrow I'm riding on West a short distance, then turning North to do the loop round Red River, NM., before heading to Walsenburg, CO. I'm hoping I have time to see "Bishop's Castle" before calling it a day, but will just have to see what the weather does to me.
Stay tuned for day #2. Talk to ya Wednesday evening.
Motor Mike